Wednesday, November 1, 2023



This last quarter of 2023 is on fire!

SUN & MARS are moving in tandem thru 4 signs.

Mars’s qualities will be slowly absorbed by the Sun causing significant problems for all of us... It will lead to an increase in feelings of entitlement, being above the law, rule-breaking, arguments, fights, invasions, ie no holds barred selfish behavior, etc at all levels.”

*From Tejaswini’s blog, Psychologically Astrology... before theHamas invasion.

Note: On Nov 19 this conjunction will be exact - complete combustion! Be extra cautious those days.

JUPITER & DRAGON’S HEAD both under SATURN’s saturnian gaze. The “saving grace” of this largest of planets, called GURU by the seers, will be restrained and distorted.

Also, the child prodigy Abhigya predicted violence and economic distress, and that it will worsen into January 2024. See

These transits will affect us personally, but consider that it is thru facing difficulties that we grow. And every situation has some best way to deal with it, both for ourselves and others. For this we must attune to Source.

MARS/SUN energy could even be used creativily or to intensify sadhana and awaken the spiritual energy. A restrained JUPITER could turn us Godward for protection or inspire us in social service.

The primo remedials for tough transit times are: prayer/meditation plus charity or service.

If you know your Vedic Moon and Ascendant signs, check out the personal indications at

*In light of the times, I offer readings and updates by donation.
Also: Meditation instruction, Yoga-Qigung therapy, iworkshops.

NOTICE: I am doing a GIVE MIAMI DAY crowd-funding for my projects. I will inform.

All the blesst,

Mantresh Lawrence Huff    +1 305 926-3578


FULL MOON  in CHITTRA   Hi friends! Radical social influence here --but do not expect the ugly actions of Earths's empires to get any be...