Jyotish, the Science of Light                   

Astrology, and especially the stellar, cosmological roots of Vedic Astrology, is about us and the cosmos.  About how we and the cosmos, karma and past or future lives, the angelic forces and the soul all interact. Wow! 

(This is when it is not reduced to the petty mundane questions so many Indians use it for.)

True astrology reveals the presence of the God's Guiding Hand behind it all. Awesome!

Having a professional practice doing Birth Chart Readings, was not my original motive. The attractions for me were: 

Hanging with the master in the traditional Guru/Student relationship. Small workshops with cool people. The joy of discovery and the awakening of love. Learning another way to serve others.

The Tradition

In that ancient culture, astrology, the Yogas, Ayurvedic healing, Mantras and prayers, and Transcendental Meditation were all sister sciences. Enlightened seers in different parts of the world too "cognized" these cosmic realities, codified them and passed them on.

The Jyotishis I met in India, eccentric as they were, all had some spiritual dimension. Some even gave their services for free -- like a religious duty. They even humbly refer to themselves as "students", not masters.

 The astrology I do includes:

The ancient Vedic system is favored for its astronomical accuracy ~ believe-it-or-not. Also, coming as a gift from God through enlightened sages, it embraces higher planes, past and future lifetimes, angelic forces and "remedials" using mantras and prayers.

A Transformational Astrology and a psychological richness has come up in the West. This is not to be ignored!

Astro Physics and other modern sciences open more vistas.  Cosmobiology is the new term -- the universe inside of us. I will be posting on these areas too.

Please note:

People say "I don't want to see the bad things”.  I do not look for such!  The path of each person's destiny is all for the good, for evolution.  The stellar/planetary forces are agents of God.  

 I may look for your weaknesses, but only to better overcome them. 

Nor do I make predictions, but rather show influences --in order to take advantage or be prepared.  

Thru right-thinking and attitude, taking action and getting the grace of God one can override or better deal with anything. Thus, my teacher Chakrapani taught me. 


* Note: my astrology income is used to support our Central American Project. You can DONATE here.


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