Wednesday, November 1, 2023



This last quarter of 2023 is on fire!

SUN & MARS are moving in tandem thru 4 signs.

Mars’s qualities will be slowly absorbed by the Sun causing significant problems for all of us... It will lead to an increase in feelings of entitlement, being above the law, rule-breaking, arguments, fights, invasions, ie no holds barred selfish behavior, etc at all levels.”

*From Tejaswini’s blog, Psychologically Astrology... before theHamas invasion.

Note: On Nov 19 this conjunction will be exact - complete combustion! Be extra cautious those days.

JUPITER & DRAGON’S HEAD both under SATURN’s saturnian gaze. The “saving grace” of this largest of planets, called GURU by the seers, will be restrained and distorted.

Also, the child prodigy Abhigya predicted violence and economic distress, and that it will worsen into January 2024. See

These transits will affect us personally, but consider that it is thru facing difficulties that we grow. And every situation has some best way to deal with it, both for ourselves and others. For this we must attune to Source.

MARS/SUN energy could even be used creativily or to intensify sadhana and awaken the spiritual energy. A restrained JUPITER could turn us Godward for protection or inspire us in social service.

The primo remedials for tough transit times are: prayer/meditation plus charity or service.

If you know your Vedic Moon and Ascendant signs, check out the personal indications at

*In light of the times, I offer readings and updates by donation.
Also: Meditation instruction, Yoga-Qigung therapy, iworkshops.

NOTICE: I am doing a GIVE MIAMI DAY crowd-funding for my projects. I will inform.

All the blesst,

Mantresh Lawrence Huff    +1 305 926-3578


Saturday, September 16, 2023


The Voice of Silence
 Carta Lunar ~ Sacerdote Nicaragüense, Preso de Conciencia
(see English below)

Me llamó la atención este sacerdote, quien negó un exilio esforzado y recibio una condena larga por su compromiso con el pueblo y su dios. 

Veremos sus astros por el lente de la Carta Natal Vedica. Nacio el 11-27-66. Como no tengo la hora, le hice una “carta lunar". A seguir:

¡Nacio bajo LUNA LLENA, acompanada de los potentes astros de los Pléyades, Alcyone y Aldeberan! Este sector del zodiaco esta rigida por el "ángel de fuego", AGNI. Aquello apunta a su presencia personal y su pasión por la espiritualidad, pero tambien a su manera de decir las cosas tal como son -- peligroso bajo cualquier dictadura.

Vemos mas: 

VENUS. Su mirada a la luna indica popularidad y una manera amistosa y fraternal.

SOL en el occidente de la carta, sugiere compartir Luz y energia con los demas. Ademas, tener la luna y el sol opuetos sugiere un alma entregado a la fuente, el espiritu supremo.

SATURNO y JUPITER, grandes y potentes, comparten sus fuerzas con su sol y luna. Da carisma, compromiso, devocion, caridad y renuncia. Da valentia y fuerza. Se atrae fama mientras se preserva la humildad.

Finalmente, RAHU y KETU, “la cabeza y cola del dragon” (puntos magnéticos) estan en 12 posicion a los luminarios, Sol y Luna. Este ultima posicion sugiere renuncia espiritual y se relaciona con monasterios, carceles, exilios, ayunos, etc. Mas, por sus 6a posiciones, sugiere tambien retos y obstaculos, pero combinado con el poder de sobrellevarlos, y se relaciona con el humanitrianismo y al trabajo de salud y sanacion.

                        TRANSITOS ACTUALES:

En 2022 RAHU transito por su signo Lunar. Se agravo el acoso a su persona y su obra. Vemos mas:

SATURNO estaba transitando en cuadratura con su Sol y Luna. Fue secuestrado y desaparecido. Mas adelante el regimen le quito la ciudadania a el (y a otros) . . . pero se nego ser exiliado y logro evitarlo, por lo cual recibio una condena de 26 años (cque se considera "condena por vida" y posiblemente bajo las mismas condiciones inhumanas que sufrierieron tantos).

AHORA, medianos de 2023, el magnifico JUPITER, “GURU”, transita 12a posicion a su Luna. Esto le favorece una vida monastica de mucha meditacion. 

Con Jupiter avanzando hacia su Luna, creoyo que habra creciente atencion mundial a su situacion, hasta que a medianos de 2024 Jupiter entrara en su mismo SIGNO LUNAR. De alli se iniciara un nuevo fase en su vida.

No creo que van a poder apagar su luz, o mas bien, la luz de justicia y libertad que el y tantos demas representan. Acordamos que el nacimiento del cristianismo fue en tiempos de una persecucion algo parecida.

Avisan los maestros que, cuando uno intenta hacer el bien, siempre se levanta en contra una fuerza de oposición, y que es por luchar contra ello y perseguir en la obra que se acogeremos fuerza.


Monseñor Rolando Avarado

Nicaraguan priest and prisoner of conscience.

Born 11-27-66. Without his birth time, I made a "moon chart (always considered in Vedic Astology anyways).

A FULL MOON in her sign of exaltation Taurus, conjunct the powerful stars

of the Pleiades, Alcyone and Aldeberan (so talked about in mystical circles).

A zone ruled by Agni, the mystic fire. Hearing him talk you can feel that,

and understand why the regime want to silence him. Says things as they are!.

VENUS opposite implies popularity and the gift of empathy. The SUN opposite implies authority and spreading the Light.

Giant SATURN and JUPITER aspect the SUN, raising its spirtual vsignificance higher. They lend charisma, commitment, devotion, charity, and he gets reknown but retains humility (Saturn). A man of destiny!

Finally, RAHU and KETU, the “head and tail of the dragon” (actually magnetic points) are in 12th position to our 2 luminaries, indicating a life of spiritual renunciation and pointing to monasteries, jails, hospitals, exile, fasting, etc.


RAHU transited thru his Moon sign in 2022. This “karmic indicator” saw his abduction and captivity, the dismantling of his parish and theft of its properties.

SATURN, now transiting in Aquarius,
squares both his Sun and Moon and

will sstay awhile. It comes down heavy – with inhumane conditions and a 26 year sentence! But that is also the placement of his natal Saturn so he is in a “Saturn Return” This can mark the beginning of a new phase.

JUPITER (GURU) is transiting in the 12th house from his Moon well into 2024 – and he will use his solitary confinement as a spiritual retreat.

In mid 2024 GURU enters his Moon sign Taurus. Fantastic! A new phase! His renown may spread. Only God knows, but I don't think they will be able to extinguish his light.

Already the combined presidents of Costa Rica are nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize.

The masters say that when one wants to do good for humanity, opposition will rise up against you. But they are tests to make us stronger.

Mantresh, Summer 2023

+1305 926-3578



Thursday, April 21, 2022


Defender of Ukraine in the face of genocide.

Born 01-25-78 at 10 am

In his youth he made comic skits of himself becoming president. His Mom told him to cut that out and study law. He did. But later he got into showbiz for real, and then later ran for president! A good Astrologer would have seen something coming.

MARS/VENUS OPPOSITION with a FULL MOON ~ High drama in the public eye.

To break it down futher, that Mars/Moon creates Chandra-Mangal Yoga, showing initiative, leadership, valor and intelligence.  Plus, Moon is in her own sign Cancer, her fullness is very public, and Mars is a “good luck planet” there. 😍

And Venus/Sun as if channels Divine Light thru human compassion and diplomacy. 💥

SATURN also next to the Moon, shows Humility, Compassion and Tenacity. But wow! Saturn and Mars are also tough, so by surrounding the Moon his public life has been tough! 😕

That VENUS/SUN combo is also very close and may have “burned” the "planet of love" some. See how his people and the world love him, but the evil force has painted a Z on their tanks and wants to kill him!

JUPITER in ASCENDENT  Called “Guru”, this huge planet can show  high ideals of Justice, Charity, and Divine Protection. Thank God!😊


In global astrology, the Dragon Swallowing Time combo (that I described in a previous post) has been threatening the whole World for some time. This combo has been transiting against Zalinskyy's Moon! 😲

And that has put the slow-moving Saturn right on top of his birth Sun! Saturn is called the greater malefic. 

This incredible transit has put him to the test, and he is responding brilliantly -- as his planets say he should.

The Ukrainians, whether they survive on this Earth plane or not, are uniting and showing great heroism. Many good Russians and others are standing with them. But, the Evil Force too plays a vital role in human evolution too by creating the tests!

* See my previous post on Putin.

* Contact me for a reading of your own stars!


Tonite, May 7, 2024, NEW MOON DAY, the start of another lunar cycle. See how Jupiter is in close with the Moon -- very auspicious. And yet i...